What to expect
Your first visit
On your first visit we will ask you to complete a questionnaire giving details of your medical history and to sign a form giving your consent to treatment. We need to know what medication you are taking, and if you have had any recent tests or scans relating to your current condition it would be helpful to bring the results if you have them. We will give you a copy of our Privacy Policy explaining how we use and store your personal data.
Initial assessment
During your first appointment the physiotherapist will examine you and ask more about your current condition. It may be helpful to wear loose clothing or shorts to make this easier. The physiotherapist will explain your diagnosis and the options for treatment, and discuss any worries or concerns that you may have. Our assessment sessions usually last 40 minutes and include some treatment. By the end of the session you will know what the plan is if you need further treatment.
Can I bring someone else with me?
If it will make you feel more comfortable you are welcome to bring a friend, relative or carer with you to sit with you in the treatment room.
Children and minors
We are happy to treat children and minors. They must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who must sign the consent form on their behalf.
Occupational health and insurance cases
If you have been referred by your employer or an insurance company we may ask you to sign a second consent form giving permission to share information about your condition, treatment and progress with them. Some occupational health appointments are restricted to 30 minutes in which case there is unlikely to be time for any treatment on the first occasion. In that case we will book a second appointment for you as soon as possible.
Exercises and advice
Before leaving you will usually be given specific advice to follow at home. This may include the application of ice or warmth, recommendations to avoid specific movements, positions or activities, and home exercises. Following the advice of your physiotherapist will usually greatly speed up your rate of recovery.
Your next appointment
If you need further treatment we recommend you make your next appointment before leaving the Clinic. Treatment session are normally weekly, although if you are in extreme pain we may recommend more frequent sessions to start. We send out text reminders the day before each appointment. If you cannot keep an appointment for whatever reason please let us know so that another patient can use the appointment instead.
How much does it cost?
Our standard charge for an initial assessment is £45 and subsequent treatment sessions are £43 for 40 minutes with payment on the day of the appointment. We accept cash and all major credit cards except Amex.